We’r happy to introduce you to the highly verbose Mc from Burgdorf, Switzerland. He goes by the name of Gringo.
Gringo’s (real name Matthias Sägesser) passion for the word and its diverse formulation possibilities began at school. There he achieved top marks with his essays without exception. Since singing was truly not his forte, he turned to the tactfully spoken poems. In them he found an outlet to come to terms with the everyday life shaped by a birth defect. At first this was done in the form of freestyles and, over time, also in the form of written texts. More and more socially critical or encouraging texts were added … Play on words and humor were a must. Various rap artists inspired him and influenced his work. Including Black Tiger, Wicht, Curse, Section Kuchikästli, Greis, Taz, Beginner, Brandhärd, Baze …
Together with the Emmentaler singer-songwriter Uodal, Gringo was always on the road as a street musician. Gringo took part in open mics, freestyle jams and a few battles, was once allowed to freestyle live with many other MCs on Radio Rabe on the roof in beautiful weather, rapping as a backup MC of his colleague Orso live to the sounds of dulcimer virtuoso Nicolas Herdsman He played with the Starfish crew at the Bern City Festival … and released a clip with various young rappers from St. Gallen in which he was the only Bernese man to perform his rhymes.
What connects people in music is gringo’s passion. He likes to mix his rap with other styles of music. (This also applies to “Versatil”.)
He also gives rap workshops with a lot of passion to this day to infect and encourage the participants with his passion. With the exception of 2 songs on samplers and 2 feature parts on albums by other artists, there was no sound document of Gringo’s rhymes and stories.
In our shop we have the album and the single in our range.
Have Fun!